Wiwiland Patch Skyrim

wiwiland patch skyrim

Upload file - French Unofficial Patch French Unofficial Patch - Patch Non Officiel S. Skyrim.wiwiland.net. Release date.

Sacrilege83, le 12 mars 2013 - , dit :

J aime l aventure et tester les petites nouveautés j ai donc pris bien sûr les précautions d usage comme faire un back up des saves par exemple.

J attend donc de pied ferme la diplomatie qu on me réserve La seule chose dont on peut se plaindre, c est le fait qu on est vite catalogué comme idiot

Je n ai jamais utilisé de nom d oiseau pour te qualifier. Que tu veuilles prendre des risques ne regarde que toi, et tant mieux si tu le fais en conscience. Mais en le disant haut et fort j ai peur que tu donnes des idées à des gens qui, eux, te suivront bêtement sans prendre les mêmes précautions et viendront quand même pleurer.

Chercher les bugs. Franchement on t y encourage, et si tu as des solutions ou des pistes pour les corriger c est encore mieux. Mais chercher des bugs sur quoi exactement. Parce que des bugs tu vas en avoir, je peux te le garantir L actuelle beta en a déjà plusieurs et comme elle modifie en profondeur certaines parties du jeu, l USKP/PNOS va au mieux faire doublon, et au pire provoquer de graves plantages. C est un peu comme si un patient atteint d une grave maladie allait voir deux médecins qui lui prescrivent deux traitements lourds totalement différents, chacun ignorant totalement les effets secondaires pouvant être provoqués avec l autre

Là, le problème, c est que ce que tu pourrais venir reporter eh bien on sera certainement incapables de dire si ce sont les symptômes de la peste ou ceux du choléra La notion de conflit est présente et c est un sac de noeuds souvent retors à disséquer.

Je l avais posté il y a quelques semaines mais je redonne le lien ici. Ce conflit là est énorme et à mourir de rire. Si tu tombes sur un truc comme ça surtout n hésite pas à nous le rapporter. On ne pourra rien y faire mais au moins on rigolera un bon coup. Pour les bugs moins drôles par contre, on ne pourra juste pas faire grand-chose.

Skyrim est automatiquement mis à jour par Steam.

Fixed issue with frequency of first person kill cameras

Underwater effects now display properly

Fixed crash when loading certain plugins

Fixed issue where sun would not appear properly after fast travel

New cinematic kill cameras for projectile weapons and spells.

New kill moves and animations for melee weapons.

Smithing skill increases now factor in the created item s value.

Improved visual transition when going underwater.

Improved distance LOD transition for snowy landscapes.

General crash fixes and memory optimizations.

Fixed issue with Deflect Arrows perk not calculating properly.

In A Cornered Rat, the death of certain NPCs no longer blocks progression.

Fixed issue where Farkas would not give Companion s quests properly.

Fixed crash when loading saves that rely on data that is no longer being loaded.

Followers sneak properly when player is sneaking.

Fixed issue with weapon racks not working properly in Proudspire Manor.

Arrows and other projectiles that were stuck in objects in the world now clean up properly.

Fixed issue where Rescue Mission was preventing Taking Care of Business from starting properly.

Fixed issue where certain NPCs would fail to become Thieves Guild fences.

Fixed issue in Diplomatic Immunity where killing all the guards in the Thalmor Embassy before starting the quest would break progress.

In Hard Answers, picking up the dwarven museum key after completing the quest no longer restarts the quest.

Killing Viola before or after Blood on the Ice no longer blocks progression.

Fixed issue where Calixto would fail to die properly in Blood on the Ice.

In Waking Nightmare fixed occasional issue where Erandur would stop pathing properly.

Fixed issue where letters and notes with random encounters would appear blank.

Fixed rare issue where dialogue and shouts would improperly play.

Lydia will now offer marriage option after player purchases Breezehome in Whiterun.

Fixed issue where if player manually mined ore in Cidhna Mine, jail time would not be served.

Fixed rare issue with skills not increasing properly.

Fixed issue where the Headsman s Axe did not gain proper buff from Barbarian perk.

In A Night To Remember, it is no longer possible to kill Ysolda, Ennis or Senna before starting the quest.

Fixed issue with the ebony dagger having a weapon speed that was too slow.

Fixed issue with The Wolf Queen Awakened where backing out of a conversation with Styrr too soon would block progress.

The third level of the Limbsplitter perk now properly improves all battle axes.

Fixed a rare issue where Sanguine Rose would not work properly.

In Tending the Flames, King Olaf s Verse will no longer disappear from explosions.

Fixed issue with downloading mods when you are subscribed to more than 50 mods

Fixed crash when loading a subscribed mod that has been removed from Workshop by the author

Fixed occasional crashes when loading a save that relies on plugins/master files that no longer exist

Fixed issue where controls would become unresponsive while charging an enchanted weapon

Fixed issue where controls would occasionally become unresponsive while switching from third to first person while using the Arcane Enchanter

Fixed issue where controls would become unresponsive if activating a crafting station with autorun active

Fixed issue where keyboard would fail if Rename Item was selected before choosing the number of charges, while using Arcane Enchanter

Fixed several issues with remapping buttons while using an Xbox 360 controller

Fixed issue where pressing Escape button after fast traveling but before the loading would cause certain menus to stop working properly

Followers now sneak properly when player is sneaking

Fixed bug related to hitching between cell boundaries

Fixed occasional audio issue that would play sound effects louder than intended

Master Criminal achievement/trophy unlocks properly in French, German, Spanish and Italian

Fixed issue where dragon priest masks would not render correctly

Fixed issue where player would be unable to become Thane of Riften if they purchased a home first

Skyrim launcher support for Skyrim Workshop PC

General optimizations for memory and performance

Fixed occasional issue with armor and clothing not displaying properly when placed on mannequins in player s house PS3

Long term play optimizations for memory and performance PS3

Improved compiler optimization settings PC

Memory optimizations related to scripting

Fixed issue with dangling scripts not properly clearing from memory

Fixed crashes related to pathing and AI

Fixed crash in Haemar s Shame if player had already completed A Daedra s Best Friend

Fixed rare crash with loading saved games

Fixed issue with accented characters not displaying properly at the end of a line

Fixed issue where quests would incorrectly progress after reloading a save

Fixed issues with placing and removing books from bookshelves in the player s home

Optimized bookshelf script in player-owned houses that would occasionally block other scripts from properly firing off

Fixed issue where weapon racks and plaques would not work correctly in player s house if player immediately visits their house before purchasing any upgrades

Fixed issue where the player house in Windhelm would not clean up properly

Fixed crash related to giant attacks and absorb spells

Fixed issue with ash piles not cleaning up properly

Fixed occasional issue where overwriting an existing save would fail

Fixed memory crash with container menu

Fixed infinite loop with bookshelves

Fixed issue where transforming back to human from werewolf would occasionally fail

Bows and daggers will display properly when placed on weapon racks

Fixed issue where traps in Shalidor s Maze would not work properly in French, German, Spanish and Italian versions

The Unusual Gem that was inside the Thalmor Embassy is now accessible after finishing Diplomatic Immunity

In Breaching Security, the quest token is no longer required to receive a fortune reading from Olava the Feeble

Fixed issue where Galmar would not complete Joining the Stormcloaks properly if Season Unending was an active quest

Fixed issue where starting Season Unending after finishing Joining the Stormcloaks would prevent The Jagged Crown from starting properly

Fixed issue where progressing through Message to Whiterun while Season Unending was still open would block progression for both quests

In Arniel s Endeavor, fixed issue where a quest journal would trigger multiple times

In Forbidden Legend, the amulet fragment can no longer disappear after player leaves a dungeon without taking it

Fixed rare issue in Forbidden Legend where killing Mikrul Gauldurson while sneaking would make his corpse unaccessible

In The White Phial, the phial can no longer disappear if player leaves dungeon without taking it

The White Phial will now start properly if player already has a briar heart in their inventory

Player can no longer get stuck in Misty Grove after completing A Night to Remember

Fixed issue where leaving Riften during A Chance Arrangement would prevent quest from progressing

In Darkness Returns, a door in Twilight Sepulcher will properly open if the player leaves the dungeon for an extended period of time before completing the quest

In Revealing the Unseen, if the player leaves the Oculory for an extended period of time after placing the focusing crystal and returns, the quest will proceed correctly

Onmund s Request will now start properly if player has already found Enthir s staff before receiving this quest

Fixed instance where Tonilia would stop buying stolen items and also would not give Guild Leader Armor

Repairing the Phial will start properly if player already has unmelting snow or mammoth tusk in their inventory

Finding Pantea s Flute before speaking with Pantea no longer prevents her quest from updating

In The Break of Dawn, fixed rare instance where a quest object would spawn incorrectly on the Katariah during Hail Sithis

Fixed rare issue in The Mind of Madness where player is unable to equip the Wabbajack

Fixed issue in Pieces of the Past where Mehrunes Dagon s Razor will not trigger properly if player leaves the cell for extended period of time before activating it

Blood s Honor will start properly if you visited and completed Driftshade and an extended period of time passes before starting the quest.

Fixed rare issue where Dampened Spirits would not start properly

Fixed issue where killing guards in Cidhna Mine would block progression for No One Escapes Cidhna Mine

Fixed numerous issues with Blood on the Ice not triggering properly

In Blood on the Ice, Calixto can now be killed if player owns a house in Windhelm

In The Cure for Madness, killing Cicero then resurrecting him no longer impedes quest progress

Fixed rare issue in To Kill an Empire where an NPC would fail to die properly

Clearing Knifepoint Ridge before starting Boethiah s Champion no longer prevents quest from starting.

Support for 4-Gigabyte Tuning Large Address Aware

General stability improvements

Optimize performance for Core 2 Duo CPUs PC

Fixed Radiant Story incorrectly filling certain roles

Fixed magic resistances not calculating properly

Fixed issue with placing books on bookshelves inside player purchased homes

Fixed dragon animation issues with saving and loading

Fixed Y-look input to scale correctly with framerate

Improved occasional performance issues resulting from long term play PlayStation 3

Fixed issue where textures would not properly upgrade when installed to drive Xbox 360

Fixed crash on startup when audio is set to sample rate other than 44100Hz PC

Fixed issue where projectiles did not properly fade away

Fixed occasional issue where a guest would arrive to the player s wedding dead

Dragon corpses now clean up properly

Fixed rare issue where dragons would not attack

Fixed rare NPC sleeping animation bug

Fixed rare issue with dead corpses being cleared up prematurely

Skeleton Key will now work properly if player has no lockpicks in their inventory

Fixed rare issue with renaming enchanted weapons and armor

Fixed rare issue with dragons not properly giving souls after death

ESC button can now be used to exit menus PC

Fixed occasional mouse sensitivity issues PC

General functionality fixes related to remapping buttons and controls PC

Disable TESV.exe from running without Steam installed

General optimizations related to stability and performance.

Essential followers recover properly if player fast travels away.

Fixed rare instances of dragons flying improperly through objects after player exits an interior.

Fixed rare instance where a music track would not stop playing properly.

Autosave message properly displays when going through a load door.

The fifth level of the Light Fingers perk correctly calculates the Pickpocket skill bonus.

Enchanting an item to improve the Sneak skill properly calculates the bonus to the player s Sneak skill.

Enchanting an item to improve the Lockpick skill properly calculates the bonus to the player s Lockpick skill.

Corpus Enchanter perk properly calculates bonuses to stats for the player s new enchantments.

Fixed rare issue where a character would not arrive properly to the Thalmor Embassy during Diplomatic Immunity.

Rescue/Attack on Fort Neugrad will trigger properly if player travels to Fort Neugrad on foot.

In To Kill an Empire, Gianna will now talk to player with certain diseases.

Fixed rare instance of Civil War battle not starting properly if player receives a Companions quest from Farkas.

During Brelyna s Practice, fixed rare issue where the player could be permanently invisible.

Triggering combat in Largashbur no longer stops progression to The Cursed Tribe.

Fixed rare instance where fighting a Civil War battle during The Fallen would prevent the Jarl of Whiterun from accepting their axe in Message to Whiterun.

In The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, fixed rare instance where Arngeir would not teach player the last word of Unrelenting Force.

In Taking Care of Business, fixed issue where Brynjolf would not give player this quest if Talen Jei was dead.

Patch Non Officiel Skyrim skyrim.wiwiland.net : Unofficial High Resolution Patch skyrim.nexusmods.com : Un patch correctif pour le pack de textures HD de Bethesda.

Daggerfall : DaggerfallSetup. De Wiwiki. Aller à : Daggerfall. The Patch 1.07.213 with Fixmaps.exe. Skyrim. Aide de jeu; Aide technique;.

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Skyrim : Patch Officiel

Skyrim V1.9 En Approche Bug Fixes. Fixed issue with frequency of first person kill cameras; Underwater effects now display properly; Fixed crash when loading certain plugins.

wiwiland patch skyrim

Skyrim V1.9 En Approche Wiwiland Skyrim Patch Officiel. Veuillez vous connecter pour répondre; 11 réponses à ce sujet.

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